* jazzyhands *

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::19.7.06:: Things That Piss Me Off #4

My housemates! Yeah I know that was last week's rant but those mofo's have upped the stakes again. They broke my frypan then put it back in amongst my other cookware without saying a word. My other housemate also used my saucepan. All cookware is now stored in my room.

When I cleaned up last night, I found a jar of crappy coffee. I put it in the kitchen because I'll never drink it. My Ma reckons it would be illegal to put rat poison in it. I don't see why. I think I'm perfectly entitled to store my rat poison wherever I want and if people are rude enough to steal my coffee, I can't be responsible for the consquences.

Another thing that pisses me off is being so poor that I missed out on seeing the Yeah Yeah Yeahs last night.



have you gotten to the stage of hiding toilet paper in room?
Yes, I have.
This is what my life has become at the hands of housemates.


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